Call us today or schedule a call and our team of home tidying professionals will set up an in home inspection to give you the most accurate quote and to understand your tidying needs. Hours of operation are 9.am. – 5p.m. Mountain Standard Time
Click on the calendar and select a predetermined slot to have 1 of our professionals reach out to you, alternatively you can email Tidytimehousecleaningllc@outlook.com with any questions, concerns or to schedule an in person inspection.
About Tidy Time
In today’s hectic life style of mostly work and little play, time has
become one of the most valuable resources anyone can spend. Whether spending
that time playing with the kids, enjoying a family movie night, teaching or
learning life lessons, adventuring or exploring this beautiful world, how you
spend your time is up to you. The one thing we can all agree on is spending
time cleaning is often a chore and takes away from your time to do the things
you want.
Here at Tidy Time the goal is to provide a personalized tidy clean at a reasonable price that lets you enjoy a fresher sanitized environment while doing the things you want. So don’t worry about how the bathroom is gonna get clean, or how the dishes that have been stacking for the last few weeks are gonna get done.
Some of Our
Want to know what your cleaning will involve? Check out our cleaning breakdown above generously provided by us to help both you and our professional be on the same page. This way there is no guessing what got cleaned!